main Subjects

Motor Education and Control

(Motor Learning – Changes in movement (Skill Learning), Motor Development – ​​Relationship between skill development and age (Psychomotor Development), Motor Control – Relationship between central nervous system muscle and joint movements)

Applied Sports Psychology

(Mental Training, Burnout, Leaving Sports, Imagery, Dealing with Injuries, Stress and Anxiety Management, Goal Setting, Focus)

Measurement and Assessment in Exercise and Sports Psychology

(Applications aiming at mental-psychological assessments within the scope of measurement and evaluation, Attention and Concentration Tests, Motivation Tests, Mental Visualization Tests, Optimal Performance Tests)

Exercise Psychology

(Exercise and Psychological Wellness, Exercise Adherence, Exercise Addiction, Exercise and Motivation, Exercise Behavior Assessment Strategies)

Sports Psychology

(Personality, Motivation, Anxiety and Stress, Group Dynamics, Character Development in Sport, Coach and Athlete Communication)